I couldn't pass these up. They were waiting for trash day down in the basement and, although I have no idea what I'm going to do with any of these things, they just looked too interesting to leave down there. I also found the foot of a clawfoot tub which is now a bookend in the living room, awaiting paint to spruce it up, and some really nice Tupperware tubs that I'm planning on using for small crafty items (I don't like to use found stuff for food, even when I've cleaned it to death, probably weird but better safe than sorry) I also spotted a rather large flat screen TV with a big cracked dent in the middle of the glass. But I don't think any amount of craftiness could save that.
So any ideas? The silver tub is about the size of a bathroom trashcan and I'm pretty sure I can get the tape all the way off with a little elbow grease. But what then?