snippits of the week
Cold. It's cold.
Stay inside and play board games after school cold.
The wild animals have had to resort to climbing fake trees. Poor baby jaguar.
Drink lots of tea cold.
This is my new favorite - it's not my usual thing, I've been a solid Barry's Irish Breakfast Tea and nothing else girl for years but Will brought home some mystery tea bags from a meeting and I feel in love. It took some serious googling to figure out who made it and where I could get more. As it turned out, it was local. Just a little jaunt (almost all the way) down Broadway in NoHo - where all the cool kids are.
It's so cold that this is what the fruit stalls look like at the local market. It's kind of hard to shop when they do this, but I guess even apples need their little cheeks protected from that wicked wind off the Hudson.
Did I tell you that we accidentally found the cafe from You've Got Mail? Well, we did. Stephanie and I were wandering around in the (absolutely freezing) cold while we waited for our knitting cocktail party to begin (I know, I know) to start and happened upon Cafe Lalo. See that table. That's the table. Awwww. Ok, I'm a geek.
I'm still giddy over my weekend of knitting and have been, if possible, even more obsessed with my yarn and needles. This was my favorite yarn at Vogue. Each color was named after the sheep/goat/combination that they came from. I didn't buy any and now I'm wishing I had because I'd like to make this out of some of this Mac and Lily.
Briton is taking a stop action film making class and loving it. It's not hard to understand why, they make things with clay and then, frame by frame, have their clay creatures battle one another to the sticky end. I'm sure it's educational, somehow.
Stay warm, my friends.