April 5, 2012

leafing out

Little by little, the city is greening up. Every day there is more color. The grass is starting to look alive again. There are flowers everywhere.
The ginkgo trees that line out block are fuzzy with teeny tiny versions of their leaves making the trees look like giant Chia Pets, fuzzy with green.

There is a lilac tree around the corner that burst into flower yesterday. It doesn't smell though. i keep waiting to walk under it and be swept away by lilac, my very favorite flower, but it has absolutely no scent at all. Very strange.

I feel like I should be planting things. It's been a long time since this time of year did not include seedlings in windows and dirt under my fingernails. Ah well, I'll just go steam my orchid instead for my gardening fix. She's looking a little sad.

Are you planting where you are?