Over the course of the day we got more a foot of new snow. It snowed and snowed and snowed, all day long. The UPS driver was not very pleased to be delivering three big boxes in the middle of the storm, but he did, trudging down our road with them because he didn't want to get the truck stuck. And ohhh, I'm glad he did. I've been waiting for those boxes. For weeks, and also for years. It's been almost three years since I took a class on beekeeping and talked Will into this crazy plan of mine. In between we've moved twice, acquired another degree as well as two kittens, spent a year in an apartment and bought a house in the woods.
When I ordered our hive (from here, in case you are interested in one as well) I didn't expect it to arrive in the middle of a snowstorm. But it was the perfect end to winter (technically the end, at least) something so purely summer in my mind that I didn't mind digging out the car this morning. Because summer is COMING. It must be. The hive is here. The bees are heading our way (not for another month, but still, coming!) Bees!