October 30, 2009


Sometimes I think I must be a little bit insane. This week, today in fact, we have both weekend guests coming and a party that we are throwing for most of our local acquaintance. Both of which I love. As Will would say, I live for this shit.

And of course, with a party and guests come the inevitable last minute to-do list a mile long, house cleaning, food planning, fix that trim that we hadn't quite gotten to-ing. We've painted, we've build shelves, we've organized the basements, the closets, the drawers, mowed (ok, well, Elvira mowed for us. We love you Elvira!) We've cleaned every speck of the house, rewashed all the sheets and blankets just in case, I've baked and cooked and cut and mixed. Needless to say this week has been a little chaotic.

But none of that is why I'm nutty. No. I'm crazy because in the midst of this all, while cleaning out the kids closet (which, by the way is a total mess again- kids!) I came across an old bathroom cupboard that we've had for years and has gotten so grotty looking that it was relegated to outgrown clothing storage. As I was clearing away the mess around it I though "hum, that wouldn't be a bad little night stand between the kids beds. A little sprucing up a little paint and some fabric. It could work." And then THEN, like an idiot, I decided that between all the cooking and cleaning and fixing and painting and organizing, this was a project that needed to be done RIGHT NOW.

And here's the thing. I was telling myself the whole time that I did NOT need to be doing it. But I kept on. Really it took almost no time at all, but still, what is WRONG with me. So while I go off and have fun at my party and see some of my oldest and dearest friends, I'll leave you with a picture of the finished project. Sadly the befores seem to have disappeared off the camera. Not sure what I did, but I'm sure the sheer chaos of the week had something to do with it.

Happy Halloween!

Found the photos of the before! For some reason they were stored out of chronological order. Or I just dont get how to use the new iphoto. Either way here they are!

Not bad from a distance but get close and...
