October 3, 2012

a place of their own

Right at the top of the stairs in our house, tucked away to the left where everything else is right, is the book nook. Since buying the house we've learned that, once upon a time, this was the one and only bedroom in the house. When it was in it's first stages of being, the stairs came up to a small sleeping nook and that was it. Below there was a kitchen and probably a sitting area where the desk is, and a bathroom, and above there was the nook. I think later, once the house had actual bedrooms and a living room and another bathroom, this nook became back up guest quarters. It's exactly the size of a twin mattress and has space for clothes and things to be stored for a short visit. Perfect for ski house guests. But for us, it was an odd kind of place. The ladder at the back is the second entrance to Briton's loft, it's neither floor level or on it's own floor, it's too low for an adult to stand comfortably. So it's not really a handy space for much, except for them. It's perfect for them.

This was probably not a project that should have been high on the priority list. It's not really a necessary one. But it was a fun one and something I really wanted to get done. Or done-ish.To give them a good place, all for them.
It's not quite finished. I have some fun, color-it-yourself wallpaper picked out for one of the walls and the ceiling, so that they can really make the space theirs. But its much better. So much in our house is neutral and grownup in terms of color, so I wanted something bright in there, something that will, eventually, look great with hand colored wallpaper. There may also be a curtain in the works, so that it's a little more fort-like.

A treehouse indoors. Ok, so it might be for them, but I kind of love it in there myself (as long as I don't stand up).