August 26, 2010

More Back to School Sewing

Her backpack is packed up with her allotted two boxes of tissues and four photos - three of her and one of all of us. Her lunch box is cleaned and ready to be filled up tonight. And her new, mommy made dress is finished and pressed. Now we just have to wait one more day till school starts for Evie. Hopefully she won't explode with excitement in the next 20 hours or so till we drop her off.

This morning I listened to her and her little friend from next door playing upstairs. Both girls had to watch their older siblings get on the bus today and drive off for another day of school without them. So what did they play? School of course. Or dropping off at school really. They took turns being the mommy and the girl and I heard "let me pack you lunch honey!" and "It's time to drop you off for school!" drifting down the stairs this morning over and over. While they were busy I finished up Evelyn's back to school dress, giving it one more pressing to make sure the pleats were crisp (at least until she puts it on) and stitching on the buttons.

I picked up the pattern for this dress while we were in Dallas this summer and while I was in the coolest little fabric shop I've seen in ages deciding which Oliver + S dress I wanted to make this time, Evelyn picked out this fabric (and helped me choose some laminated cotton, some of which I used to make a waterproof bag for her "just in case" clothes to keep at school).

As I've said before, I love Oliver + S patterns. LOVE them. And this time I bought the bigger sized pattern (the last one went to 3T, this one goes up to a size 8) I used some of the never ending supply of trace paper we seems to have around the house (one of the dangers of having an architect in the family) to trace the smallest size so that down the road I can make it again, and again.

This pattern was more complex than the ice cream dress I made last time, but turned out equally as cute. It has sort of a 60's vibe - the fabric makes it even more go-go looking - and just enough bulk to make it twirly. I just wish I had some little white boots that she could wear with it to complete the outfit :)

I'm totally tempted to try out the rain coat, in fact, I'm kind of kicking myself that I didn't buy the pattern and enough laminated cotton from the amazing selection they had while I was at city craft. But if I'm realistic (after all, we did just buy her a pink and green coat that she HAD to have for school because it was pink and green and it had a flower pin on the collar just like mommy) I'll probably order this pattern once it's released some time next month. I love the hidden pocket, perfect for a crisp fall day. I kinda wish they had it in my size, but I can settle for making one for my girl.