April 22, 2013


I had forgotten, though the long winter months of watery sunshine, how intense the sun can be here. I'm not sure if it's the altitude or the latitude or the lack of pollution, or perhaps a combination of the three, but the sun, even on a day with still chilly temperatures, can seem scalding. It's deceptive because the temperature gauge on the wall might still be hovering in the forties but sweaters and hats are quickly shed and put back again as we move from sunshine to shade. Friday it was warm enough even for flip flops and sundresses. Bare skin that hadn't seen the sunshine for months was bared, shoulders got a little tan, shorts came out of the bottoms of drawers.

We spent most of yesterday outside digging the beginnings of a bioswale to help (we hope) make next mud season a little less....muddy...in front of our house. This is what comes of being married to an urban designer with sustainable leanings. Weekends spent on storm water management projects. We dug and shifted and played in the woods and felt almost hot. Glorious.

As long as it doesn't get too hot. That's why we live in Vermont after all.