When I was growing up, Saturday morning was my favorite time of the week. I woke up before everyone else and had the house, and the TV, to myself, watching cartoons for an hour or two before the rest of my family ambled down for breakfast. I used to make a list the night before of all the cartoons I would watch, consulting the TV section from the paper starting at 6 am, just in case I happened to wake up that early, and going until 12, just in case everyone slept in that long. It never happened, but I liked to dream. Of course, now that I think about it, this may have been the beginning of my list making habits.
My kids, for the most part, just aren't the go downstairs make yourself breakfast and watch TV kind of children. I've tried, really I have, but they usually feel the need to wake us up and tell us that they are awake and hungry and want to watch TV. They'll do it themselves, but they have to make sure they wake us all the way up first. Which, you know, is nice and all, but it would be nicer to get to sleep in.
On the off chance that he decides to make this a regular thing, and it is in his genes to do it, somewhere, deep down, oh please let us get some nice sleeping in days, I taught him how to measure the coffee grounds and how much water to pour out of the electric kettle. Of course, the next morning was back to normal with me waking up nose to nose with Evie saying "MOM! I NEED some applesauce!" But, you know, it could happen.