Yes the sink debate rages.Well, not rages. Simmers. The sink we found (and didn't buy, stupid, stupid) was snatched up by someone else and without the sink in hand we couldn't proceed unless we changed routes. Keeping the bathroom in a state of suspended construction wasn't really an option so we've proceeded without the sink, the sink bracket, or really, any idea what we are going to do sink-wise. But at least progress has been made. We had paint and trim and a toilet and a medicine cabinet. Well, sort of a medicine cabinet. But I'll get to that in a moment. And Briton at least has been happily using the bathroom for the past few days, despite the fact that there is no curtain. According to him, no one is looking anyway, which is probably true. But still.

So between the nail gun and the discovery that Lowe's paintable caulk is terrible but the stuff you buy at the paint store works like a dream, particularly if you smooth it with a wet sponge (thank you painter's forum!) have meant that our bathroom is much more finished looking than earlier projects. So much so that Will is working his way through the house re-caulking all the places that we previously caulked so that they can be repainted without it turning sticky and yellow. Tonight we will seal the quarter round and the toilet and clear out all the tools and this week I'm hoping to find the perfect curtain so that those of us with more modesty than an 8 year old can use it. And then, well, we'll just wait until inspiration strikes or a sink finds us that is perfect for the room. Or perfect enough.
Anyone have any ideas on that front? Maybe a metal pedestal sink? Something else entirely? What do you think?
By the way, this bathroom is the hardest place to take a photo of, I can't seem to get any kind of all over shot. So my apologies for the partial wall shots.