Holy baboon I'm quilting again.

I have not quilted a single thing since I was pregnant with Evie. And really, other than the quilt I made for her then and one I made for my niece when Briton was about two, I haven't quilted AT ALL since having children. I think it requires too much at the machine time. I mean, for machine piecing and quilting. Hand piecing and quilting?
hahahahahahahahaha. Right. I can't even finish a page in a book, a hand sewn quilt would probably take me decades to finish at this point. But regardless, I got a bee in my bonnet to work on a quilt this week. Nothing
complected, no fancy
smancy applique or teeny tiny hexagons. Something simple and fun. Here is the beginning of it, I'll post more when it's done. When cruising for patterns I found
this one and fell in love. And then I lost it so I couldn't use the handy handy tutorial and had to wing it. But thankfully for you, I found it again this morning. Just FYI, I made 6 in squares and 3 inch strips for mine. The fabrics are an assortment of labels from my local quilting store, mostly from a Storybook II line and one called Happy Camper plus a little Olivia thrown in,
because who doesn't love Olivia. I'm planning on embroidering some I Spy-
ish sentences on the strips. Like "I spy a silly
piggie, do you?" I had a fantastic quilt as a kid that had lots of interesting things to find on it and I loved it.
This is intended to be similar, although not nearly as fancy because the one I had was made by a true master quilter and even now I find the
intricate work that went into it mind boggling.

Evelyn has been super helpful in the quilting process, as you can see.

I can't imagine why I haven't been quilting these past 8 years....
Also, while searching again for this pattern I came across some other fun projects that I'm dying to try if I can find the time.
This one is super cute. Briton loves baseball style shirts so I may have to try it for him.
I keep finding
cute pants tutorials but haven't come across one for wide legged leggings yet so I made have to just dive in and make my own. We are having serious leggings issues. Especially since, for the first time EVER (that I can think of at least) Evelyn requested wearing PANTS and NO SKIRT OR DRESS yesterday. She is so freaking long and thin that it's hard to find leggings for her. We have some fitted ones which are great under skirts but on their own as pants. Not so much. Chicken legs is all I can say. I mean I love them, knobby knees and all, I wish I had skinny little chicken legs, but still. We need something a little more, filled out, for those no skirt days.
Oh, and also,
just in case I got you all addicted to Victorian Farm and you've watched them all, I found out that there is also Edwardian Farm, Victorian Pharmacy, Coal House and Tales from Village Green. You're welcome. Or maybe I
should say sorry. I can not stop watching them. Last night I spent all of the commercials during Bones making my way through the third
episode of Edwardian Farm. Really, I think there's something wrong with that.

Other than quilting and figuring out just what it is that is leaking in the new (almost finished!
Yay! Except SHIT!) bathroom, we're hoping for a quiet,
pleasant weekend with more spring-
ish weather. I doubt we'll get it, but we can hope. How about you? What are you up to this weekend?