Our new schedule (and we're only two weeks in so I'll keep my fingers crossed that it holds) is to get all the laundry washed and dried during the day on Saturday and Sunday and then to bring the whole big pile of clean clothes up on Sunday evening, separate them by person and then watch a movie while everyone folds their own clothes. I know, right? You'd think I would have thought of that one before.
Initially I thought I'd get some push back, hence the movie (there was also pizza and ice cream the first week, but this turned out to be unnecessary). But surprisingly the kids really like it. Briton is actually a laundry folding genius. No, really! The kid might think it's perfectly ok to store a jar full of worms in my refrigerator, but he's fantastic about folding laundry. I think it's his little engineer's brain. It's like my (chemical engineer) father-in-law's fascination with making the perfect organic fertilizer. They like the challenge and the order. Briton actually asked, get ready for this, if we could do laundry every day! Weird. I'm having visions of handing the laundry over to him entirely in a few years time.
But this new laundry set up has one snag. I had nothing that would hold a full week's worth of laundry all at once. I didn't even really have multiple things that could hold it. Every few years I buy two or three new laundry baskets. They last about 6 months before they start falling apart and then I struggle on with broken handles and cracked bottoms until at some point, I throw up my hands and buy new ones. I hate it. It's not that I'm buying crappy laundry baskets either. It's just that laundry baskets are a bit too appealing for little boys who like to use them as turtle shells and sleds and animal traps. I've had plastic and thick wicker and thin wicker and they all end up in little bits scattered all over the house. The week that we started our laundry night the whole top half of one of my newest baskets fell off. Completely. It was time to buy new baskets and this time I wanted something that would last. So I went with metal.

Enter the spray paint and the Silhouette Cutter. Can I just pause here and say that I really love that thing. I use it all the time. I even cut things that would probably be just as quick to cut by hand, just because I can. But don't worry, you can do this with out one. You'll just have to be more patient than I was :)!

Once the whole thing was dry I peeled off the stencil and sprayed the tub, in and out, with a clear gloss coat to protect the paint from scratching and the inside metal from any water that might get in there (we are talking laundry here).
And then it was done. And I love it! I'm trying to decide what to put on the other. I like the pointed finger with "drop your drawers here" thing but I could also just do a simple "laundry" sign. What do you think? Any suggestions before I start painting the next one?