I am totally going to this! I know it's on the other side of the country and months away (which will give me time to save up!) but I can not wait! What could be more fun than a weekend of sewing with no distractions! Ok, obviously there will be distractions, wine, food, fun things to see and do, but none of the usual "mom I'm hungry, honey where is my hammer" distractions. Two of my high school gal pals are going to try to come too (thanks Val for the idea!!) which would make it extra fun, I don't think the three of us have had a girls weekend since graduation. I'm so excited!
In related news, one of the sponsors for the Sewing Summit had this fabric listed on their etsy shop. I think I need it. I'm not sure for what. But I just do. Maybe to make some new curtains for the kids room. They've destroyed the roller shades I made over the last year and a half. (And who can blame them, it is fun to pull them all the way out and then watch them zing up! I've been known to do it myself from time to time) I also love this one but thanks to this Portlandia clip and the lovely Jeannine, I don't think I'll ever buy anything with a bird on it again. Sigh...
It's pillow month over at Sew Mama Sew and I was inspired to replace the fall leaves pillow I made at the end of summer with one made from a recycled sweater. Nice and cozy. So cozy in fat, that my kids keep rubbing their faces on it, and considering the time of year, I'm thinking it's not going to stay clean long. Oh well, I tried.
I cleaned out the drawers in the kids room this week so that they weren't so jam packed with clothes and only kept the things they actually wear. That should mean that we are well set for clothes, especially miss Evie. But I see a skirt coming her way using this. I just can't resist. It's so her.
Oh, and, I've come over to the dark side. Yes,my friends, I've signed up for Twitter. So far I'm not very good at it. But I've been told often that it's time to jump on the bandwagon, and when the lovely Marijean Jaggers posted it as her Social Media Assignment it seemed like she was talking directly to me (actually, she may have been talking directly to me, especially since I had just told her I was too much of a wimp for Twitter. I especially like that part where she says "Go sign up, we'll wait" and then knows that you didn't actually go sign up because your a wimp. She's one smart cookie that Marijean!) I'll put a button up when I figure out how to put a button up but for now, if you have a burning desire to follow me I'm #driedfiggirl. (is that how you write it? I'm telling you, I'm both a Twitter wimp and a technology idiot!)
Happy Friday Folks, may your crafting be fun, you sleeping in be long and you snow melt away (if you have any).
PS, this is an Evie Photo, please for the love of all that's bloggy ignore my dirty shoes!