October 29, 2010

(Not Really) Ready!

Well, I havne't cooked a single things for tonight yet. (Those are cute, yes, but the mummy dogs were an experiment a few weeks ago, sadly not sitting on my counter ready for tonight)
The house is, um, not a wreck, but not really what you'd call clean.

I'm down to one squirrel chewed pumpkin, everything else seems to have gone rotten in this weird humid weather we've had and

The President of the United States is speaking three blocks from my house at the same time as the party (no, I'm serious, he is!) which is sucky because I'd really like to go but people would probably notice if we weren't at our own party, right? Right?
Oh but I did come up with one (three) of those last minute projects that I knew would pop into my brain (at three in the morning, no less). Nice. But those shelves really did need painting. Honest. And it looks so much better in the kids room now. Or it will, when I put all the stuff that was on the shelf away now that the paint is dry.

Still, I have to say...
Totally excited! Halloween, here we come!
Woot! (I mean Arg!)

Have a safe one everyone!