November 18, 2010

Nothing Cuter

Eight little girls, tongues sticking out of the corners of their mouths in concentration as they cut and pinned and sewed.

There are parts of teaching that I don't miss. I don't miss grading or tests or dealing with the administration. I loathed parent teacher conferences, what was there to say that hadn't been said every day at drop off and pick up and in passing in the hall and weekly newsletters and notes and ... (I know, not all school work that way, but mine did) I don't miss the meetings and the in-service trainings.

But I miss the teaching. I remember a moment during my student teaching when I was on my own with my kindergartners , the light was streaming in the windows, the tables were bursting with math counters and read aloud books and playdoh. I looked around and though, this, this is fun. This is what I love.

Which makes teaching sewing or crafts or creativy things just about perfect. All the fun stuff, no SOL testing.

Now if I could just remember not to put pins in my mouth while I'm demonstrating. Must not pass on that bad habit! Very naughty.