I'm not sure if it's my current obsession with Robin's Egg blue or the fact that I keep getting Knit Picks catalouges full of wool roving and drop spindles, but I've been finding myself dreamig about learning to spin lately and to fixate a little on this little spinning wheel. Isn't it pretty? I didn't even know spinning wheels could look like that. I have no idea what all those things do but I don't really care, I have a total crush on it.
It would look so perfect next to my favorite chair, I can just imagine myself spinning away in the evenings, making yarn in just the color I want. That, of course, means I'd also have to start dying yarn but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound, right?
Somebody save me from myself.
Oh wait, did you say it's $700?
OK, maybe a drop spindle would be a little more practical at this point. Or, you know, just buying yarn.