I just looked at my calender for the week and realized that I have something going on, somewhere to be, something to do,
every single night this week. All week. Even the weekends. Must be December! Really, my One Thing this week should be just to keep myself sane, but the truth is I kinda love this time of year, with all the parties and activities and things to do and see, so instead I'm going to give myself some project deadlines. Gifts to finish so they can be mailed off by the weekend. Which is really just an excuse to knit and sew during my free time :).

I am 3/4 of the way through a pair of
mittens and have another pair to go (they are really, really quick and I love the
yarn, so soft it's crazy!)

Mobius scarf down, one to go (also quick and so pretty!)
And one sewing project that my boy has cooked up that needs to get done (but I wont say what it is yet because Poppa might read this!)
That might be stretching it a little, but after the coat, it seems like small beans.

Yes the coat! It's done! Well, almost. The only things left are a final pressing and the buttons. Due to the fact that someone forced the window down on our car (looking for who knows what? They Might Be Giant's CDs? Stale Goldfish? Come on people, there is nothing there to steal!! Stop breaking into our car!) and broke the little clips that hold the window up which meant that Will spent Saturday with the door disassembled in pieces, I didn't get to go to the fabric store to find the perfect buttons. And while I have buttons a-plenty, it's a pretty simple coat and I think it needs some special buttons to spice it up.
So in lieu of buttons she has been wearing it with a big flower pin to hold it closed, which is fine by her. It's warm and soft and was actually not difficult at all to sew, just time consuming. Although the lining fabric was a nightmare, I'm still covered with pink fuzz from cut edges that frayed like mad. I broke out the walking foot on my sewing machine which I have never used before but now love (perfect for thick fabric and multiple layers) and I also (I'm a dork!) discovered that having multiple sewing machines comes in handy when you want to top stitch in a different color that the one you are putting something together with. Yep, duel machines. One with gray thread, one with pink. (The multiple machines are for my classes, which, BTW, if you are a Charlottesville resident and you have a girl at the Village school, I'm teaching an after-school class there starting in January! Email me!)

Sadly, not photo of her wearing it as she came down with a first year of school always sick with something virus yesterday and has been dozing on the couch ever since. Poor thing.
So what about you? What are you up to this week?
One ThingA Monday habit. Share the one thing that you want to do this week, just for you. Tell us what you are working on in the comments and link back to your blog so we can see all the fun things you do!So, what will you be up to this week?