The week before Christmas I was talking to a dear friend at a party when she made the comment "you're job is so cool!" It was a reminder that I needed. The party came at the end of a long day of working on projects for various columns when I really wanted to be working on Christmas gifts and I had been feeling stressed and a little frustrated about squeezing all the things I had to do in with those that I really wanted to do. I hadn't gotten to sew "just because" for what seemed like forever, I'd spent far too much time tweaking a tutorial that just wouldn't come out right and I had been very, very happy to shut off my computer for the day and walk away from "work". But when she said that it literally made me stop and think, she's right. I wouldn't want to be doing any other job out there. Even with the needle pricks, the paper cuts, the ripping out of yet another seam and the occasional bad day. So I'm feeling very lucky these days to do what I do.

Today, for example, is a very good day. A sewing kind of day. I woke up this morning before the kids (Not hard during the holidays since they've been staying up late hanging with their Grandma who is visiting and then sleeping in waaaaayyy late) and worked on the beginnings of some slippers for Evie (before I realized I was out of elastic and couldn't get very far on them without it, oops) then switched to a sample of a treasure bag inspired by
this post that I'm going to be teaching to four little boys this afternoon. I have four different sewing projects sitting on my table, two for Evie, two for me (for
me! I haven't made something for myself for so long it's ridiculous!) and then I get to prep for my class, for which I'm really excited. I love teaching kids to sew, and boys, well, having taught both my little boy and my big boy to sew (who, by the way, MADE me pajama's for Christmas. And they fit! And I didn't help at all! Crazy!) I'm guessing I'm in for some hilarity.
Every year, as December draws to a close I seem to think "If you had told me a year ago that we would be here, I wouldn't believe it" and it's doubly true of this year. I wouldn't have guessed that I would be working again and if I had I never would have through that "work" would basically be my two hobbies, crafting and writing, all balled up into one. We've had a lot of rough times this year, sadness, stress, but also so many things to be grateful for. It makes me wonder what next year will bring. And where we'll be twelve months from now. But since every year brings takes us around another unexpected bend, I don't think I'll even try to guess. I'll just go along for the ride. I hope your end of year reflections are leaving you feeling similarly uplifted. And if not, if your year has been more than a little tough, here's to a better next year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Now back to the sewing machine I go.