This week has been, to say the least, a little hectic. And it's only Wednesday. Which made this moment, this quiet evening meal, all the more welcome. Soup, mugs of tea and a game of Bannanagrams, which we called Scrabble because Briton knows that Will and I are currently obsessed with playing scrabble against each other on our phones. (S0 far, we are 1 and 1, but I'm ahead in game 3.)
December 15, 2010
Soup and Scrabble
This week has been, to say the least, a little hectic. And it's only Wednesday. Which made this moment, this quiet evening meal, all the more welcome. Soup, mugs of tea and a game of Bannanagrams, which we called Scrabble because Briton knows that Will and I are currently obsessed with playing scrabble against each other on our phones. (S0 far, we are 1 and 1, but I'm ahead in game 3.)