Five Days. Oh Dear. I'm usually closer to ready at this point. In fact, I'm usually done at this point other than some cookie baking and delivering to putter through in these last days. But this homemade gifts goal, well, whew, it's taking longer than I had thought. This year my eyes were too big for my fingers I think as I still have three knitted gifts to finish knitting, one sewing projects and two sets of slippers that still need bottoms sewn on. And four of those items need to be finished before tomorrow night when we do our Solstice Celebration. The funny thing is that I'm not stressed about it. It just means that there will be a lot of knitting and sewing and cozying up in my warm office where the heater vents seem to be the most efficient in the house. And that sounds a little divine.

One Thing
A Monday habit. Share the one thing that you want to do this week, just for you. Tell us what you are working on in the comments and link back to your blog so we can see all the fun things you do!
So, what will you be up to this week?