It's been a nice old week, light on the sit at the table kind of school work but heavy on the go out and see things and have fun kind. I
may have allowed Evelyn to play hooky today, and Briton too. Because sometimes you just need a day off for no good reason and today was that kind of day. But don't tell.

We spent an afternoon on the Intrepid which was chock full of moms and their sons. Some of the schools here are on spring break so that was part of it, but there were also lots of moms with toddler boys who obviously came regularly to look at the planes and push buttons in the Gemini pod and test out the aerofoils on the wind machine.

I have a feeling that if we had lived here when Briton was two we would have been regulars instead of spending our days riding train after train after train in Dublin. But then again, there are plenty of trains here, so maybe he would still have been a train boy.

I should probably tell you that I only haul these out for St. Patrick's Day, but the truth is that they are my favorite socks and I wear them all the time.

Although they aren't quite as flashy as the pompoms.

We had a mid week haircut here. Briton thinks it's way too short. I think that it will be longer before I have to cut it again. And I think it's cute. Not that I would tell him that. Cute is off limits it seems.

Briton and I tried out one of the kids art talks at the Met which I'm afraid I found more interesting than he did.

More captivating than the talk, though, were the artists dotted through the galleries. I never quite get over seeing all those paintings that I grew up looking at in books hanging on the walls of the museums here. I wonder if the artists and art students that always seem to haunt the Met feel like that or if it's just part of life for them.

Almost done with my latest spinning project. It is, by far, the largest amount of fiber and the thinnest finished project that I've done so far and it's coming out nicely. I had a plan to use it in
this pattern but it ended up not being a good match color wise to the other yarn I have for the project, so it will have to live in my stash for a little while until I decide what to do with it.
I picked up
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand at the library this week. It's not at all what I thought it would be, although I'm not sure what I really thought it was about, I only put it on my hold list because it kept coming up in my "you might enjoy" lists. It's a very calm book. Beautiful. Almost short on words, but in a good way. It makes me want to curl up all day in my rocking chair. Which I might just do.
Anyone read a good book lately? Once I finish this one I'll need some more, so I'm open for suggestions!