One of the hardest parts of being a parent in New York, at least for me, has been the lack of indoor run around space. Parks we have aplenty, and I do appreciate that. And there are also plenty of indoor places to go, but not a lot of them are geared at getting your wiggles out. For some reason the guards at the Met do not appreciate children singing and dancing loudly in the impressionist wing. Go figure.
We've been really lucky in that both winter and summer this year were pretty mild, so it hasn't been as desperate as it could have been. Most of the time outside was an option on those days when we just need to move. But there are days when I'd give my right arm for an empty room with soundproof padded walls where they can run and scream to their heart's content.
I pretty regularly troll the Things To Do lists on Mommy Poppins and for the past few weeks I've noticed entries from a place called "The Moxie Spot", which describes itself as a family restaurant and play space. The only drawback is that it's in Brooklyn and I'm sorry to say that I have become one of those Manhattanites who dreads leaving the island. Not because I don't like people in the other boroughs, or even that I don't like the other boroughs themselves. It just takes so flippin long to get to them from where we live (this attitude was exacerbated by our recent plod out to Queens). So I've been ignoring it. Who wants to spend 50 minutes on a subway each way at night heading to a place that may or may not be a good place to hang out?
But then Saturday came along with very wiggly kids and a notice that it was RockBand Night at The Moxie Spot. We actually have RockBand at home but it's kind of more fun in a crowd, so, decked out in our Old Navy Guitar Shirts (for the kids) and wigs (for me, Will wanted to wear one too but Evie put the kibosh on that idea - "too weird daddy") we headed out to Brooklyn.
Much as I enjoy the Upper West Side and Morningside Heights, and I do like living here, I think if I were going to stay in New York for any length of time, I'd have us move to Brooklyn. It's just a little bit less city and a little bit more family, at least most of the parts I've been to are. And then, if we were already in Brooklyn, getting to The Moxie Spot for RockBand Night, or Bingo Night, or Dance Party Night, might be a little easier. Despite the fact that their guitar was broken and it ended up being a Dance Dance Revolution Night instead of Rock Band, we had a great time. The food was kid friendly and better than I expected, Briton played fooseball and chess for two hours straight (not at the same time, of course) and Evie whipped it up on the dance floor, put on a puppet show at our table, colored at the art table and tried on about forty hats. Will and my wig and I played domino's and cards and did a lot of laughing at Evie trying to mimic the Thriller moves.
I think that video might come in handy when she's a teenager. You can never have too many blackmail worthy clips as a parent really.